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A senior US military realized that Islam is a religion of

Published : 08-09-2016 - Duration : 09:54 - View : 40

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عسكري أمريكي كبير أدرك أنّ الإسلام دين سلام ومحبّة وحماية لحقوق كل البشر وأنّه أخطأ في حق هذا الدين وفي حق المسلمين فتاب وأعلن دخوله للإسلام

1-A senior US military realized that Islam is a religion of peace, love and protect the rights of all human beings and that he erred in the right of this religion in the right of Muslims turned to the announced entry of Islam

2-Um militar de alta patente dos EUA percebeu que o Islã é uma religião de paz, amor e proteger os direitos de todos os seres humanos e que ele cometeu um erro na direita da religião no direito dos muçulmanos virou-se para a entrada anunciou of Islam

3-En högt uppsatt amerikansk militär insåg att Islam är en religion av fred, kärlek och skydda rättigheterna för alla människor och att han gjorde fel i höger om d

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